laparoscopic surgery

Since laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses minor incisions, the recovery time from such a procedure is significantly lower than open surgeries.

That being said, several factors can affect the recovery times of patients who have undergone laparoscopic surgery. Factors such as the number of incisions made during the surgery, the type of anesthesia used, the body’s response to the surgical procedure, and the patient’s overall health all affect recovery times.

However, patients are usually kept under observation for a few hours after the procedure. If the patient’s vital signs are deemed normal during this period, no anomaly is observed. If the patient does not report any significant discomfort, they are discharged within a few hours.

Yet, getting discharged is not equivalent to recovery, and patients should take particular care to avoid strenuous work at home. It is advisable to take complete rest for a few days following the surgery. It is normal to feel some pain in areas where incisions have been made, but the pain should gradually decrease in intensity with each passing day.

If there are no irregularities and recovery takes its normal course, then a patient who has laparoscopic surgery can recover completely within a week or two.

Risks of laparoscopy for infertility:

Despite laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure and not very risky per se, it still counts as a surgery, and as such, there are some associated risks. The most common risks associated with laparoscopy is the risk of infection post-surgery. In some cases, patients might also experience bleeding, and, in very rare cases, patients could suffer some damage to abdominal organs.

However, laparoscopic surgery has a good track record in terms of safety, and barring fringe cases, is usually a very smooth procedure.

Although there aren’t too many risks associated with laparoscopy for infertility, the surgery’s side-effects are fairly common. Side effects, when experienced, usually fall in at least one of the categories mentioned below:

  • Bleeding at incisions
  • Redness/swelling at incisions

It should be noted that these effects are fairly common.

Laparoscopy for infertility success rate:

The success rate of laparoscopy for infertility is difficult to pin down to a single number because the procedure’s success in curing infertility depends on several factors that are particular to individual patients.

That being said, a 2013 study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) found that, in a sample of 43 patients who had undergone laparoscopy for infertility, the pregnancy rate post-surgery was 41.9%. The study further notes that 66.7% and 94.4% of the patients studied conceived within three months of the surgery and six months of the surgery, respectively.

Advantages of laparoscopy for infertility:

The advantages of laparoscopy for infertility are manifold. The benefits of laparoscopy for infertility include:

  • The small sizes of the incisions made for the procedure
  • Less internal scarring compared to open surgeries.
  • Relatively little pain compared to open surgeries.
  • The option to leave the hospital shortly after surgery
  • A significantly faster recovery time compared to open surgeries.

Disadvantages of laparoscopy for infertility:

There are no disadvantages of laparoscopic surgery. As mentioned earlier, patients are exposed to a certain degree of risk and may have to endure some uncomfortable side-effects following the surgery.

What to expect after laparoscopy:

Once the laparoscopic procedure is over, you can expect to be monitored by your doctor/nurses for a few hours. If no irregularities are found, and you are deemed healthy, you can expect to be discharged on the same day as the surgery itself.

Once discharged, you should take care to get adequate rest and avoid strenuous work, and before you know it, you will be hale and hearty.

  • Is laparoscopy painful?

Laparoscopic procedures are minimally invasive and are always performed after administering general or local anesthesia. Therefore, there is no element of pain involved during the surgery. However, you might experience some pain in your abdominal region and near the surgery’s incisions once the procedure is over.

  • Is laparoscopy necessary before IVF?

Before commencing IVF, laparoscopy can be useful for treating issues such as endometriosis, fibroid tumors, and hydrosalpinges. That being said, there is no hard and fast rule that a laparoscopy must be performed before commencing IVF. It is best to consult your doctor about the same because your doctor will be aware of your case’s particularities and can take an informed call on whether laparoscopy is needed or not.

  • Can laparoscopy unblock fallopian tubes?

Yes, laparoscopy can help identify blocked fallopian tubes. Also, corrective laparoscopic surgery can be used to repair blocked fallopian tubes.

  • How does laparoscopy help infertility?

A diagnostic laparoscopy procedure can help identify infertility causes that cannot be detected by traditional diagnostic tests such as ultrasound and X-ray. In addition to diagnosing infertility causes, corrective laparoscopic procedures can be used to treat several causes of infertility.

Laparoscopy for infertility has a good track record of diagnosing and treating infertility and is a fairly safe and inexpensive procedure that can help infertile couples become parents.

Topic 1 :Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

All About Laparoscopic Hysterectomy | Shree IVF Clinic - Dr. Jay Mehta

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

The uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and cervix are all removed during a hysterectomy. This procedure can be performed in a variety of ways, one of which is laparoscopy. The uterus is removed through a minimally invasive surgical procedure known as laparoscopic hysterectomy. It is a secure and efficient procedure. A tiny camera is inserted through the belly button, allowing doctors to see the internal organs of the patient. This procedure is performed under anaesthesia. Laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy is a procedure that removes a woman’s uterus but not her cervix.

Why is it performed?

Doctors perform laparoscopic surgery is suggested when the patient is suffering from any of the following conditions:-

  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Endometriosis
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Infertility
  • Removal of fibroids, uterus, lymph nodes, and ovarian cysts
  • Ectopic pregnancy

How is Laparoscopic hysterectomy performed?

The various steps takes place in the process of laparoscopy:-

  • Preparation and positioning
  • Insertion of a urine manipulator
  • Abdomen entry and placement of trocar
  • Hug the ovaries
  • Mobilization of the bladder
  • Secure the urine vessels
  • The uterus and cervix is separated from the vaginal apex
  • Removal of the uterus
  • Closure of vaginal cuff
  • Closure of the port site

10 Reasons for Hysterectomy

1. Uterine Fibroids

Fibroid growth in the uterus can sometimes be noncancerous. They can also cause severe pain and bleeding. If all other options fail, doctors will be forced to perform a hysterectomy.

2. Cancer

Need for hysterectomy is when you have cancer of the following:

  • Cervix
  • Ovary
  • Uterus
  • Endometrial.

In case of precancerous conditions or to avoid cancer in the future, doctors also recommend surgery.

3. Endometriosis

Endometriosis occurs when the tissues that line the uterus grow outside of the uterus. It can result in irregular periods. Extreme pain may also occur, eventually leading to infertility.

In the case of endometriosis, medical procedures and hormone therapy are performed prior to hysterectomy.

4. Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis occurs when the uterine lining begins to grow into the uterine muscle. This causes the uterine wall to thicken. It results in severe bleeding and pain.

Hormone therapy and medications are also tried first in the case of adenomyosis.

5. Infection

PID, also known as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, is characterised by severe pelvic pain. It is caused by a bacterial infection. Antibiotics can help if it is discovered early.

However, if it spreads, it can cause uterine damage. As a result, if you have severe pelvic inflammatory disease, your doctor may recommend a hysterectomy.

6. Hyperplasia

Hyperplasia occurs when the uterine lining becomes too thick. Excess oestrogen consumption also causes hyperplasia. Hyperplasia can also cause heavy, irregular menstrual bleeding.

It may also result in uterine cancer. If doctors suspect severe hyperplasia, they may also advise a hysterectomy. Doctors advise hysterectomy because it will result in cancer in the future.

7. General abnormal bleeding

If you have irregular and heavy menstrual bleeding on a regular basis, your doctor may recommend a hysterectomy. Fibroids, cancer, infection, hormone changes, and other conditions can all cause irregular bleeding. These causes are accompanied by stomach pains and cramps.

After exhausting all hormone therapies, hysterectomy is the only option for relief.

8. Uterine prolapse

When the uterus slips and falls into the vagina from its normal place it is the uterine prolapse. It is also very common in women who is having multiple vaginal births. In some cases where women suffer from obesity or menopause this is also common.

Some of the common symptoms of uterine prolapse are:

  • Urinary issues
  • Pelvic pressure
  • Bowel problems

The nature of treatment mostly depends upon how severe the uterine prolapse is. If all other measures don’t work, doctors furthermore recommend a hysterectomy.

9. Placenta accreta

Placenta accreta occurs when the placenta grows too deeply into the uterine wall. This occurs during the course of a pregnancy. It has no symptoms and the conditions are very serious.

In such cases, doctors perform a caesarean section as well as a hysterectomy. It reduces blood loss when the placenta is separated.

10. Delivery complications

Severe bleeding can occur during either a caesarean or vaginal delivery. Doctors remove your uterus during a hysterectomy. Furthermore, this is immediately following the delivery to save a life.

What are the alternatives to a hysterectomy?

  • Myomectomy
  • Uterine artery embolization
  • Medical management
  • Menorrhagia

Tests performed before hysterectomy

Before a hysterectomy, doctors may order preliminary blood tests, an electrocardiogram (EKG), a urinalysis, and a chest x-ray. It aids in ensuring that there are no undiagnosed medical problems. They can also cause complications during surgery if they are not diagnosed.

A pelvic ultrasound may be performed to evaluate the ovaries and uterus. It is determined by the patient’s physical exam and medical history.

Many tests are done before hysterectomy. Such as:

  • CBC count
  • Endometrial sampling
  • Ultrasonography
  • ECG
  • CAT scan
  • Barium enema
  • Tumor markers
  • Blood type cross match
  • Chest radiography
  • Papanicolaou test
  • Cystoscopy

Types of hysterectomy

There are four types of hysterectomy

  • A radical hysterectomy
  • A total hysterectomy
  • Super cervical hysterectomy
  • Hysterectomy with oophorectomy

Uterus removed side effects

The female reproductive organ is the uterus. It is the area between the rectum and the bladder. The uterus is divided into two parts: the cervix (the main part) and the cervix ( lower part ). It feeds and protects the fertilised egg until the newborn is born. The womb is where the baby develops.

You may require a variety of reasons to remove the uterus. The uterus is removed to treat certain infections and cancers. At the same time, there are numerous negative consequences to removing the uterus:

  • Menopause – You will no longer experience menstrual cycle
  • Sense of loss
  • Change in the sexual feeling
  • Risks of other health problems increase

Hysterectomy recovery

There are many tips you may follow after hysterectomy. You must also know how to handle emotional and physical ups and downs.

  • Engage yourself with some exercises or yoga
  • Get some sunshine
  • Take medications according to the prescribed time
  • Take as much rest as you can
  • Prevent yourself from constipation
  • Try to wear loose, stretchy clothing
  • Eat healthy foods also
  • Talk to your friend about your feelings
  • Make yourself emotionally ready for hormone changes
  • Let your close ones also help you
  • Do not wait to call your doctor if you are not feeling well

The pros and cons of laparoscopic hysterectomy


  • Laparoscopic hysterectomy involves minimally invasive techniques. These are far better than the traditional methods
  • Instead of waiting for a long time and staying at the hospital, this takes place in a short time
  • There is minimum pain, little to no blood loss. And there are also minimal risk in case of laparoscopic surgery


  • Laparoscopic hysterectomy may cause a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases also
  • It also premature menopause

Laparoscopic hysterectomy time

If done under general anaesthesia, it usually takes 1 to 3 hours. Many patients are also admitted to the hospital for one night so that the doctor can monitor their healing progress. The majority of patients return to normal activities within 5-6 days.

What to expect after laparoscopic hysterectomy?

  • Some women who undergo laparoscopic hysterectomy may also expect to have smears. This takes place from the top of the vagina
  • You will also be offered hormone replacement therapy
  • You will also be advised to rest comfortably and move easily
  • A feeling of tiredness and discomfort will be in your body for the first few days

Life after hysterectomy

Life will not be the same after a hysterectomy. There will be no regular menstrual cycle for you. The pains that lead to laparoscopic surgery will be relieved.

You will also lose the ability to conceive.

Laparoscopic hysterectomy cost

In India, the average cost of a laparoscopic hysterectomy ranges between Rs. 2,10,000 and Rs. 3,00,000. This price does not include any medication or physiotherapy recommended by the doctor. The cost is primarily determined by the patient’s condition.

Laparoscopic hysterectomy, according to reports, is a much safer and more effective procedure. When compared to traditional methods, this is the safest way to remove the uterus.

Topic 2 : Laparoscopic Myomectomy

All About Laparoscopic Myomectomy | Shree IVF Clinic - Dr. Jay Mehta

What is Laparoscopic Myomectomy?

Laparoscopic Myomectomy is a surgical procedure that removes fibroids while causing no harm to the uterus. In the medical world, it is also known as a Robotic Myomectomy. Doctors may recommend this surgery if the fibroid begins to cause too many problems in daily life. Pelvic pain, frequent urination, irregular bleeding, and heavy periods are symptoms that may necessitate surgery. Laparoscopic Myomectomy uses small abdominal incisions to remove fibroids. Depending on the location and size of the fibroids, various myomectomy techniques are available.

How do you prepare for surgery?

Prepare yourself mentally for a change. Your body will undoubtedly change as a result of the surgery. Speak with your loved ones or seek professional assistance.

Follow these below-mentioned guidelines before your surgery:-

  • Avoid wearing jewelry
  • Try to wear loose-fitting clothes.
  • Doctors will restrict you to eat, drink ( not even water ), or smoke after midnight before the day of the surgery.
  • You must not wear nail polish before the surgery.
  • Wear low-heeled shoes before the day of surgery, as you might feel drowsy because of anesthesia.

What happens during the procedure?

Several steps are taken by the surgeon during the laparoscopic myomectomy procedure. While you are under general anaesthesia, your surgeon will make four 12 inch long incisions in your lower abdomen. The surgeon will have access to your abdomen. It occurs when your stomach is full of carbon dioxide.

A laparoscope, which is a thin tube of light with a camera on one end, will be inserted through one of the incisions. Small instruments will be inserted through the other incisions. In the case of robotic surgery, your surgeon will control the instruments with a robotic arm.

If your fibroids are small, your surgeon may prefer to cut them into small pieces; if they are large, a larger incision in your abdomen will be made to perform an abdominal myomectomy. All instruments will be removed at the end of the surgery, the carbon dioxide gas will be released, and the incisions will be closed.

Types of myomectomy techniques

There are several forms of myomectomy techniques depending upon the location and size of the fibroids. Myomectomy procedures are done under anesthesia and in the operating room.

  • Hysteroscopic myomectomy

Surgeons use a narrow telescope to view the uterine cavity during hysteroscopic myomectomy. The telescope is inserted into the vagina and then passed through the cervix, allowing the surgeons to see inside the uterus. Small fibroids are removed using this technique.

  • Laparoscopically-assisted myomectomy

This procedure is used to remove fibroids that extend into the uterine wall or are visible outside the uterine cavity. A laparoscope, along with other instruments, is inserted into the abdomen.

  • Robotic-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy

This procedure is comparable to laparoscopic myomectomy. The only other thing to know about this procedure is that it employs robotics.

  • Open abdominal myomectomy

Surgeons gain direct access to the uterus in this procedure by making a vertical incision into the abdomen. When compared to other techniques, the incision made in this procedure is the largest. It also requires additional time to heal. Surgeons prefer this procedure when fibroids are too large.

Symptoms that indicate the need for laparoscopic myomectomy

Below mentioned are the symptoms that might warrant a laparoscopic myomectomy. Before the actual surgery, the doctor will conduct several tests.

  • Constipation
  • Unusually heavy period
  • Pelvic pain
  • Difficulty while urinating
  • Frequent urination
  • Duration of Menstrual period longer than one week
  • Pain in legs and lower back

What are the complications and risk factors associated with laparoscopic myomectomy?

The procedure of laparoscopy is relatively safe, but it has certain risks too. These are –

  • Complications in pregnancy
  • Bleeding
  • Fertility issues
  • Organs in the abdomen are damaged
  • Urinary or bowel problems

There are two types of complications associated with laparoscopic myomectomy – intraoperative and postoperative.

Some of the intraoperative complications are:-

  • Enucleation
  • Hemostasis
  • Morcellation injury

Some of the post-operative complications are:-

  • Pelvic adhesion
  • Hematoma

Recovery tips for the patient

You may feel some pain and also have spotting after the surgery for a few weeks. For this, the doctor will prescribe some medications. Depending upon the kind of surgery performed, healing time can be estimated.

  • For hysteroscopic myomectomy, you will need two to three days of healing time.
  • In the case of abdominal myomectomy, the healing time is four to six weeks.
  • For laparoscopic myomectomy, the healing time will be two to four weeks.

You should avoid exercising for too long or too hard. Lifting heavy objects and walking quickly must also be avoided. Before engaging in sexual activities, you must seek advice. If you want to become pregnant, you must first consult with a healthcare professional.

What to expect?

Typically, you will need 6 to 8 weeks to recover from surgery. During this time, you will be extremely tired. Rest should be taken as much as possible. You should also avoid lifting heavy objects.

You will no longer have a menstrual cycle or be able to conceive after this surgery. In any case, your ovaries will be removed during surgery. As a result, if you have not yet reached menopause, you will begin it immediately. Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and night sweats are all possible symptoms.

Women are also affected by fatigue following surgery. It could last up to ten weeks. However, it can sometimes last up to six months after surgery.

Costs of laparoscopic myomectomy

One of the modern approaches to surgical treatment is laparoscopic myomectomy. Minimal invasive techniques are used in this surgery. The cost of this surgery varies a lot. It ranges from INR 3,50,000 to INR 5,50,000.

Topic 3 : Laparoscopic Ovarian Cyst Surgery

All About Laparoscopic Ovarian Cyst Surgery | Shree IVF Clinic - Dr. Jay Mehta

What is Laparoscopic Ovarian Cyst surgery?

Many women are affected by cysts. The only issue is that the symptoms of an ovarian cyst are not visible. Women may experience weight gain, irregular menstrual cycles, and other symptoms in a few cases. However, if the cysts cause pain or discomfort, surgical procedures should always be considered. Ovarian cyst removal is a surgical procedure used to remove a cyst or cysts from one or both of your ovaries. Small incisions and specialised tools are used in laparoscopic surgery. It may provide quicker recovery than open surgery, which requires a larger abdominal incision.

Why ovarian cyst surgery done?

Although an unruly lifestyle is not recommended, many women do experience cysts. The only issue is that the symptoms of an ovarian cyst are not visible. Women may experience weight gain, irregular menstrual cycles, and other symptoms in a few cases. However, if the cysts cause pain or discomfort, surgical procedures should always be considered.

Pelvic pain during periods or sexual activity is another common symptom. Furthermore, ignoring ovarian cysts can lead to ovarian cancer. As a result, removing the cyst buildup is always a good idea.

Symptoms of an ovarian cyst

Initially, the ovarian cyst does not manifest any of these symptoms. It is critical to recognise that ovarian cysts are quite common these days. However, if you notice that you are missing periods every month and have unexplained weight gain, you should consult a doctor.

Some common symptoms of ovarian cyst include pressure, bloating, pain in the lower abdomen. Ignoring ovarian cysts will give rise to further complex symptoms.

  • Pelvic pain
  • A dull ache in the lower back as well as thighs
  • Pain while having sex
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding
  • Needing to urinate more often
  • Painful periods

Side effects of ovarian cyst removal

Depending on the severity of your condition, you may experience mild to severe side effects after the surgery. However, one of the most common post-surgery side effects is lower tummy discomfort. Aside from that, you’ll have shoulder pain, vaginal bleeding for 48 hours, and so on.

You may also feel tired for a few days, but with proper diet and care, you will be able to recover in a matter of days. If you still believe that the problems are persisting, you should see a doctor.

Complications of ovarian cyst removal

It is critical to understand that complications are extremely rare. However, it is critical to understand that none of the surgeries are without risk. It is best to consult your doctor if you intend to undergo the complications of ovarian cyst removal.

They will inform you of any complications that may arise following surgery. The complications that can arise following ovarian cyst removal vary from person to person. Some of them are infection, bleeding, the cyst returning, infertility, blood clots, and so on.

Recovering from the ovarian cyst removal

Once again, the recovery procedure is determined by the severity of your condition. After the surgery, you will experience stomach pain for a few days. However, with the right medication, you should be able to recover quickly.

It should take about twelve weeks before you can resume your daily activities. To heal, it is critical to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If the cyst is small, doctors may advise against surgery. However, if the cyst grows in size, it is best to have surgery.

Who should get the procedure?

If you have swollen ovaries or irregular menstruation, laparoscopic ovarian cyst surgery is the best option for you. Furthermore, if you have constant pain in your lower abdomen, doctors usually recommend laparoscopic cyst surgery.

Aside from that, women with PCOS who are planning a pregnancy should have their ovarian cysts checked. Otherwise, they will have difficulty conceiving. If you have ovarian cysts, consulting with a gynaecologist will give you a better idea of what needs to be done.

If you have severe hormonal imbalances, the doctor will first prescribe medications to balance your hormone levels before recommending surgery.

Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy procedure steps

Before the surgery begins, you will have to follow certain procedures that will help in making the surgery successful. Some of the steps that you have to follow before the surgery are.

  • Avoid eating or drinking anything, especially after midnight before the surgery day.
  • As you will be under anesthesia before the surgery begins, make sure that you are taking the help of someone who will drive you to the hospital.
  • Arrive at the hospital before the surgery begins so that the doctors can have enough time for the pre-surgery procedures.
  • You can ask your provider questions before the surgery begins regarding the medications. Whether you must stop or take new medicines or pre-existing medications that will help with the surgery.
  • Before your surgery is scheduling, diligently follow all the instructions both pre and post appointments.

What happens during ovarian cyst removal?

Doctors will administer local anaesthesia prior to the surgery to make the procedure easier. A laparoscope, or thin tube with a camera on the end, is inserted into the abdomen. The camera is placed on the side of the navel through a small incision.

More incisions in the abdomen are made if necessary. Surgeons use sir inside the abdomen to create enough space for the abdominal wall and organs. The cyst is then removed using various surgical instruments.

What to expect after an ovarian cyst surgery

After the surgery, you will have an abdominal sore and bruises for a few days. Furthermore, the gas inside your abdomen during the surgery may cause pain in your shoulders and back. You will experience vaginal discharge and spotting for several days following surgery.

Doctors will close the incisions with skin adhesives and bandage the area. You can, however, remove the bandages within twenty-four hours of the surgery. The adhesives or stitches will dissolve within a few days without causing pus or infection.

If you have minor bandage trips, you can easily remove them after seven days. Even if they do not fall off, they are simple to remove within seven days. The only thing you should avoid doing is going swimming or soaking incisions in a bathtub.

Bathing is permitted, but the operated area should not be rubbed. You will be extremely tired for the first week following surgery. However, you must not rush, as you must gradually increase your activity levels, beginning with short walks. When it comes to sexual activities, you can start whenever you feel ready.

Advantages of laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy

Although ovarian cysts are common, it is critical to understand that ignoring them can result in ovarian cancer. Common ovarian cyst symptoms include irregular periods, bloating, nausea, and pelvic pain during intercourse, among others. However, if the problem worsens, you will experience constant pain in your lower abdomen.

Surgery is the best way to avoid cancer or other serious diseases. Your menstrual cycle will be regularised after laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy, and the problem of abnormal bleeding will be reduced. Furthermore, if you intend to have a child, you will have a successful pregnancy.

Laparoscopic ovarian cyst surgery cost

Normally, the Laparoscopic Ovarian Cyst surgery cost depends on the location. However, the average cost ranges from 20,000-40,000, depending on your severity.

  • Diagnostic Laparoscopy

All About Diagnostic Laparoscopy | Shree IVF Clinic - Dr. Jay Mehta

What is Diagnostic Laparoscopy?

Diagnostic laparoscopy is a surgical procedure used to examine the inside of the abdomen and pelvis. It is typically used to detect or treat pre-existing problems. This can help to avoid the need for more complicated surgery in the future. The procedure is used to determine the source of pain or growth in the abdomen and pelvic region when X-ray or ultrasound results are inconclusive. It is sometimes done after an accident to see if the organs in the abdomen are damaged. Diagnostic laparoscopy is frequently used in cancer treatment to determine cancer spread. Once the disease is identified, treatment can begin.

Indications of diagnostic laparoscopy

A diagnostic test Laparoscopy is required if you have been experiencing long-term pain or abnormal tissue growth, or if you have a disease in the organs of your abdomen or pelvis.

Why is the test performed?

Diagnostic laparoscopy is used to determine the source of pain or growth in the abdomen and pelvic region when X-ray or ultrasound results are inconclusive. It is sometimes performed after an accident to determine whether an organ in the abdomen has been damaged. Diagnostic laparoscopy is frequently used in cancer treatment to determine if the cancer has spread. Once the disease is identified, treatment can begin.

Preparation for the procedure

The diagnostic procedure has a step-by-step procedure that you need to follow. It is relatively simple and requires some amount of patience only. Here are some of the steps:

  • Depending on the type of laparoscopic procedure being performed, you’ll usually be asked not to eat or drink anything for 6 to 12 hours beforehand.
  • If you’re taking blood-thinning medication (anticoagulants), such as aspirin or warfarin, you may be asked to stop taking it a few days beforehand. It is to prevent excessive bleeding during the operation.
  • If you smoke, you may be advised to stop during the lead-up to the operation. It is because smoking can delay healing after surgery and increase the risk of complications such as infection.
  • Most people can leave the hospital either on the day of the procedure or the following day. Before the process, you’ll need to arrange for someone to drive you home because you’ll be advised not to drive for at least 24 hours afterward.

Diagnostic laparoscopy procedure steps

It is performed in a hospital or an outpatient surgery facility. The length of a Laparoscopy is determined by what the doctor discovers during the procedure. Here are some steps that are usually included in the procedure.

  • Anesthesia to Make you Sleep – Nothing will be felt once given anesthesia. However, you can always ask questions about how it feels during the process, and if you will feel anything afterward.
  • Small incisions in the belly region – The surgeon will make microscopic incisions near the navel region. It is to insert gas into the abdomen. It holds the organs away from each other so that the doctor gets a clear view of them.
  • Laparoscope – Then, the laparoscope, which contains a camera and a light, is inserted.
  • Surgical Tools – These are inserted to form small procedures.
  • Suction Tube – This is then inserted to suck out the extra gas from the abdomen.
  • Looking for Damage or Disease – The doctor looks for some kind of damage or disease with the laparoscope’s help. The doctor might do a biopsy, which is sent to the laboratory for the check. The doctor might take out the tissue and fix parts of the organ that have undergone damage.
  • Final Step – The last step is when the laparoscope and other tools are taken out of the body. The gas is pumped out of the body with a suction hose. The incisions are then closed with stitches.

What tests are necessary before laparoscopy?

Several tests should be expected prior to any surgery, laparoscopy or otherwise. The majority of these tests are general to ensure that the patient is fit for surgery. Blood tests, urinalysis, electrocardiograms (EKGs or ECGs), and chest X-rays are common examples of such tests.

Furthermore, depending on the reason for your surgery, your doctor may order additional tests. For example, if you are having a laparoscopic hysterectomy, you may be required to have tests such as pelvic ultrasounds and/or computerised pelvic tomography (CT). As a result, in addition to general tests, case-specific tests are frequently required prior to laparoscopy.

What to expect:

Although laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure, there are certain things to keep in mind before undergoing a laparoscopy.

Before the procedure: It is best to notify your doctor about any underlying medical conditions you may have well in advance of having a laparoscopy. It’s also critical to follow your doctor’s advice about what to do a week before surgery.

During the procedure: During the surgical procedure, there isn’t much you can do or expect from your side. Laparoscopy is usually done under general anaesthesia (and sometimes after local anaesthesia), so you won’t feel anything. The procedure necessitates small incisions, but you will not experience any pain.

After the procedure: When the procedure is finished, you will most likely wake up in a hospital recovery area. Depending on the procedure, you can expect to be under observation for at least a few hours. You can expect to see your family and friends once you wake up. Because laparoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure, patients are usually discharged a few hours after the procedure if no irregularities are discovered. It is normal to experience pain and discomfort in the area where the surgical incisions were made, and your doctor may prescribe pain relievers.

When you are released and allowed to go home, it is critical that you rest completely for the next few days and avoid strenuous work at all costs. You should not eat or drink anything heavy for at least 24 hours after the procedure, and you should avoid taking a shower. You should also look after your dressing: if it’s a traditional dressing, you can remove, clean, and reapply it after 24 hours (but do consult your doctor about the same). Remove any steri-strips that are covering your wounds.

What complications can occur?

Before delving into the potential complications of a laparoscopic procedure, it is critical to understand that laparoscopy is a surgical method, not a type of surgery. As a result, the type of surgery has a greater impact on the types of complications that may arise from an operation.

However, as with any surgery, some general complications may arise as a result of the laparoscopic method. While complications are uncommon, the most common ones are bleeding from the incisions and the possibility of infection. Internal organ injury and blood vessel damage are less common complications.

However, you should not be concerned about complications because they are uncommon, and numerous studies have demonstrated that laparoscopy is a well-tested, safe, and efficient surgical procedure.

Diagnostic laparoscopy recovery time

Recovery time depends on the individual case, as it does with any surgery. A laparoscopic diagnostic procedure, for example, which does not involve corrective surgery, usually has a quick recovery time. In contrast, recovery from a laparoscopic hysterectomy, a major surgical procedure, can take up to 6-8 weeks. So your recovery ultimately depends on why you’re having surgery and what kind of surgery you’re having.

Furthermore, recovery time is affected by complications: if complications occur, recovery may take longer than usual. As a result, it’s best to speak with your doctor and surgical team about your specific case and when you can expect to resume normal activities.

Diagnostic laparoscopy cost

The cost of a laparoscopy is determined by several factors, including your location, hospital of choice, and the type of surgery you’re having. A simple diagnostic laparoscopy, for example, is usually much less expensive than more complex laparoscopic procedures.

The cost of laparoscopic surgery in India varies significantly between cities. Laparoscopic surgery may cost as little as Rs. 24,000 or as much as Rs. 70,000. So, before you try to estimate the cost, you must first decide what type of laparoscopic surgery you will have and then look for hospitals that provide that service.

As the preceding discussion demonstrates, there are numerous variables with laparoscopy. Because laparoscopy is merely a surgical procedure (and diagnosis). As a result, factors such as cost, recovery time, potential complications, and so on are heavily influenced by the type of surgery you’re having rather than the method. We hope this gives you a good idea of what laparoscopy entails, but it is always a good idea to consult with experts before deciding to undergo surgery.

  • Operative Hysteroscopy

All About Operative Hysteroscopy | Shree IVF Clinic - Dr. Jay Mehta

What is Operative Hysteroscopy?

When an abnormal condition in the uterus is discovered during the diagnostic hysteroscopy process, doctors perform operative hysteroscopy. It can also be done to avoid having to have a second surgery. The surgery can also be used to treat infertility or to remove growths from the uterine cavity. An operative hysteroscopy is used to treat the following uterine abnormalities: abnormal bleeding, polyps and fibroids, septum, and adhesions. Operative hysteroscopy combined with laparoscopy can help to prevent uterine wall perforation.

What is hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to examine the uterine cavity in order to treat and diagnose uterine bleeding. A hysteroscopy is used to perform the procedure. Hysteroscopy involves inserting a thin, lighted tube into the vagina to examine the uterus and cervix. It can also refer to a surgical or diagnostic procedure.

When is operative hysteroscopy performed?

An operative hysteroscopy is performed to treat the following abnormal conditions of the uterus:-

Abnormal bleeding:Heavy menstrual flow or bleeding after menopause or between periods may be caused by abnormal bleeding. Endometrial ablation is a procedure used by doctors to treat heavy or prolonged bleeding. A hysteroscope, as well as other instruments, are used during this procedure. They aid in the destruction of the uterine lining.

Polyps and fibroids: Polyps and fibroids are non-cancerous uterine growths. They can be treated with hysteroscopy.

Septum: Doctors use hysteroscopy to determine if you have a uterine septum or if you have a uterine defect.

Adhesions: Scar tissues can sometimes form a band in the uterus, causing changes in menstrual flow and infertility. Hysteroscopy is a procedure used by doctors to locate and remove adhesions.

Who is a candidate for hysteroscopy?

A person suffering from the following conditions is an ideal candidate for a hysterectomy.

  • Irregular bleeding followed by cramping: If you have cramping and irregular periods, you should see a gynaecologist first. They will advise you to have a hysteroscopy to examine your uterus more closely. This assistance enables them to learn about various issues such as fibroids and polyps. Your gynaecologist may use the heating tool to stop excessive bleeding.
  • Assisting with long-term birth control: Using the hysterectomy technique, a small device is inserted into the fallopian tube.
  • Infertility issues: If you and your partner are having difficulty conceiving, you should see a gynaecologist. They will perform a hysterectomy to examine various uterine wall problems that are interfering with your ability to parent.

How is hysteroscopy performed?

Before hysterectomy your doctors will perform the following steps:

Use of sedative – Your doctor will prescribe sedatives to you prior to the procedure. It will aid in your relaxation prior to the procedure.

Scheduling –  One week after your period is the ideal time for a hysterectomy, according to gynaecologists. It will allow them to get a better view of the uterine line.

Anesthesia –  Your genealogist will determine whether you will be given general or local anaesthesia. The type of anaesthesia used will be determined by your treatment.

The gynecologist will maintain this order during the time of hysterectomy:

  • After widening the cervix, the gynaecologist will insert the hysteroscope.
  • The hysteroscope is inserted into the uterus through the vagina and cervix.
  • Carbon dioxide gas or a liquid solution is inserted into the uterus using a hysteroscope. It dilates the uterus and removes any mucus or blood.
  • Doctors can also see the uterus and fallopian tube openings inside the uterine cavity using the light attached to the end of the hysteroscope.
  • Depending on whether or not the surgery will be performed, small instruments are inserted.

The length of the procedure is determined by whether it is operative or diagnostic hysteroscopy. It usually lasts between five and more than an hour. More time will be required if a laparoscopy is performed in conjunction with a hysteroscopy.

What are the benefits of hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy provides the following benefits if compared to other procedures:

  • Recovery time is much less.
  • Hospital stay is shorter.
  • Medication needed after surgery is less painful.
  • Open abdominal surgery is possibly avoided.

Types of hysteroscopy

The primary reason for having a hysteroscopy is to diagnose uterine problems. Depending on the circumstances, there are two types of hysteroscopy. There are two kinds of hysteroscopy: operative and diagnostic. A woman undergoing diagnostic hysteroscopy may require an operative hysteroscopy.

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

Diagnostic hysteroscopy is needed for the following reasons:

  • Find out the reason for repeated miscarriages
  • Diagnose the non-cancerous growths in the womb such as polyps and fibroids
  • Examine fertility issues if a couple is having problems to conceive
  • To study the reason for pelvic pain

Operative hysteroscopy

  • To exclude adhesions which are the scars in the uterine wall caused due to surgery or infections
  • To remove non-cancerous growths in the uterus
  • Perform a process of sterilization
  • For further investigation take a biopsy of tissue

Risks associated with hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy is much safe than compared to any other procedures but there are some small risks too. Women who undergo treatment along with hysteroscopy are at a higher risk. Some of the risks are:-

  • A woman may faint in case hysteroscopy is performed without anesthesia or just local anesthesia.
  • Cervix is accidentally damaged.
  • The womb is accidentally damaged and in that case, it must be treated with antibiotics, or in some cases another operation might be needed.
  • The womb might be infected causing a smelly discharge from the vagina along with fever and heavy bleeding. A short course of antibiotics from the gynecologist might treat this infection.
  • A woman might experience excessive bleeding after the surgery. It is a result of undergoing treatment under general anesthesia.

Techniques used in operative hysteroscopy

  • The electrode is only activated once it starts moving towards the cervix.
  • The operator can coagulate, cut, and vaporize by adjusting the setting of the generator. It depends upon the kind of electrode chosen.
  • The myometrium is cut deeply, especially at the corner and in the cervix.
  • Depending upon the energy used, the uterine distension medium used in the case of operative hysteroscopy differs. The distension medium used nowadays is N/saline, in the case of bipolar energy. In the case of monopolar energy, the distension medium used is an electrolyte-free medium.
  • The balance of fluid is monitored thoroughly.

What to expect after the hysteroscopy procedure?

The type of anaesthesia used determines what to expect after the hysteroscopy procedure. If you are given general anaesthesia or a sedative, your blood pressure, breathing, and pulse will be constantly monitored. You will be discharged once your condition has stabilised. After hysteroscopy, no special care is required.

You may experience cramping or vaginal bleeding for a few days following the procedure. When a gas or fluid solution is injected into the uterus to improve visibility, it may cause gas in the digestive tract and pain for about 24 hours. You may experience pain in your shoulder and upper abdomen from time to time.

Operative hysteroscopy recovery

The kind of recovery depends upon the type of anesthesia being used. You must rest for sufficient time after the procedure.

Operative hysteroscopy cost

The average cost of operative hysteroscopy in India ranges from Rs. 15,000 to Rs.51,000.

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