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July 22, 2022

Spinning Up Multiple WordPress Sites Locally With DevKinsta

A single treatment giving life-long protection from severe allergies such as asthma could be made possible by immunology...

July 22, 2022

Hormone Therapy the Menopause Transition

Hormonal therapy in menopausal transition: implications for improvement of health-related quality of life. A total of 513 mid-aged...

July 22, 2022

Diabetes & blood pressure consultation for patients

Interventions targeting hypertension and diabetes mellitus at community and primary healthcare level in low- and middle-income countries:a scoping...

July 22, 2022

Sick Kid? How to Deal with a Child’s Fever

You put your hand on your sick child's forehead. Then the thermometer confirms your suspicion: They've got a...

July 22, 2022

Doctor’s Failure to Diagnose a Medical Condition

A patient bringing a failure to diagnose case must prove that there was a doctor-patient relationship, that the...

July 22, 2022

Check diabetes & blood pressure for patients

If you have diabetes and high blood pressure, you may gain from checking your blood pressure at home....

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